2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 53,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 20 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

TechDay 2013 Demos and Slides

I am proud I was speaker at TechDay. It was very great event despite of time when all conferences finished almost months ago. The event was fully booked with attendees, as well as location of the School of Science and Technology at Sarajevo was great place.

With this blog post I want to say thanks to all attendees especially of those which attended my session. Demos and slide you can find on the links below.


GPdotNET v3 released

I am proud to announce after almost full year of working on GPdotNET v3 is finally released today. The first post about GPdotNET v3 was on February this year when the TSP problem announced. The next direction was solving assignment problem because is similar to TSP. At the finally stage of developing solver for version 3 was transportation problem which represent the most complex implementation in GPdotNET regarding representation of chromosome.

Beside introduction to the new solvers GPdotNET v3 contains new exported format which is implemented when I was working my PhD thesis.

GPdotNET User manual is also completed with all new functionalities introduced in version 3.

GPdotNET v3 is published with ClickOnce deployment, and can be downloaded at .

Predavanje o razvoju mobilnih aplikacija sa Windows Azure na Microsoft TechDay u Sarajevu

U ponedjeljak će 9. decembra se na School of Science and Technology u Sarajevu održati konferencija „TechDay 2013“ u organizaciji Microsoft BiH. Na konferenciji biće organizirana predavanja sa aktuelnim temama vezanim za proizvode poput Windows Server, System Center, Office 365, Windows Azure, SQL Server, ASP.NET, Visual Studio, SharePoint Server itd. Konferencija je jednodnevna sa besplatnim pristupom. Zbog ograničenog broja mjesta svi koji žele prisustvovati konferenciji moraju se registrovati putem web stranice: .

Izuzetna mi je čast da mogu objaviti da je moje predavanje pod naslovom „Razvoj mobilnih aplikacija sa Windows Azure“ uvršteno u agendu konferencije sa početkom u 12:00 u Sali 1 u kojoj se održavaju predavanja vezana za programere.
Predavanje koje sam pripremio za ovu konferenciju govorit će o najnovijim mogućnostima Microsoftove Cloud platforme prilagođene za konzumaciju preko mobilnih uređaja i tableta. Skup svih tih mogućnosti u Windows Azure nalazi se pod nazivom Windows Azure Mobile Services. Pored uvodnog dijela u kojem ću dati kratki uvod u Windows Azure i Mobile Services, veći dio predavanja će predstavljati demo primjeri razvoje jedne mobilne aplikacije pri kojoj će se koristiti Azure Cloud Storage za pohranjivanje popdataka, Authentikacija preko Facebook accounta, te razvoj Push notifikacija u jednoj takvoj aplikaciji.
Nadam se da će predavanje biti interesantno, dok je aktualnost teme zagarantovana, tako da će publika imati prilike da prvi u BiH vide neke od najnovijih Microsoftovim inovacija u Windows Azure koje su dostupne od prije nekoliko sedmica.

Na donjoj slici možete vidjeti sadržaj predavanja:

Vidimo se na konferenciji.