Introduction to Microsoft Machine Learning package in Microsoft R Server 9.0

MicrosoftML package

Microsoft has released Microsoft R Server 9.0 (MRS9.0) with very interesting package called MicrosoftML. “Micrsooft ML” stands for Microsoft Machine Learning R package which you can use on R Server. R Server is commercial version of popular R Client distribution, which solves mayor problems when working with R. R Server contains set of cutting-edge technology to work with big data, as well as set of enhanced packages for parallelization and distributing computing.
MRS 9.0 is coming with “MicrosoftML” package which contains set of several Machine Learning algorithms developed in various Microsoft products in the last 10 years. You can combine the algorithms delivered in this package with pre-existing parallel external memory algorithms such as the RevoScaleR package as well as open source innovations such as CRAN R packages to deliver the best predictive analytic.
MicrosoftML package includes the following algorithms:

  • Fast linear learner, with support for L1 and L2 regularization,
  • Fast boosted decision tree,
  • Fast random forest,
  • Logistic regression, with support for L1 and L2 regularization,
  • GPU-accelerated Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with convolutions,
  • Binary classification using a One-Class Support Vector Machine.

How to start with MicrosoftML package

In order to fully use the power of MicrosoftML, and RevoScaleR you need to download MRS 9.0 from the or subscription. Once the zip file is downloaded, unzip it, and run setup file.

The following required components  were missing when my installation is started.  Seems the MRS contains the latest .NET Core components, which is pretty cool:


After the prerequested components installed, the MRS installation process can start.

By clicking the Next button the Installation process starts:

Select the path where you want to install MRS, and press the Next button:

If everything went ok, the installation process is finished after less than minute, and the final dialog window appears:

By clicking the Finish button MRS is installed on you PC.

Run MRS 9.0 by using R Tool fo Visual Studio, RTVS

Now it is time to run some R code. YOu have two posibilities to run R code. The first option is that you use the R Studio proffesion tool for running R code. It is free and open source which you can download from If you are MS Developer you usualy write the code in the Visual Studio. So you can download RTVS from this and run R code from Visual Studio.

Now that you have right tool to run R code, we can start with setting the MRS environment.

First thing you should do is to point RTVS to use MRS 9.0 instead of curently using some other distribution. So open the Visual Studio, select R Tools->Edit Options

The Option dialog appears. Set the R Engine to point installation folder of the MRS. Since my installation location was on Program Files folder, the picture below show my installation path.

After you set the right installation folder , restart the Visual Studio:

When the Visual Studio is running, open R Open R Interactive window. You should have similar text if you set up MRS path correctly:

Select New Project from the File->New menu option.

Name it FirstRServerDemo and click Ok. Now you are ready to write first MRS R code:

In the next post we will continue exploration the MicrosoftML library package and new set of Machine Learning algorithms added in this latest version.

Using SSH Keys for License generation and validation in .NET Applications

This blog post is going to present how can you implement license functionality in your .NET application. Providing license in your .NET application is very challenging because there is no standard procedure for the implementation. You are free to use whatever you want. But be notice, there is no license which is 100% safe and cannot be cracked or bypassed.

For this purpose I have selected the CocoaFob library for registration code generation and verification in Objective-C applications. Mainly the library is for Objective -C based applications, like iQS mobile applications and other OSX based applications.  This is very interesting library but you cannot use it in .NET applications, there is no implementation for .NET Framework.

The library uses DSA to generate registration keys, which is very hard for hackers to produce key generators. The library is also specific because it generates license key in human readable form, when the bytes are converted in to Base32 string to avoid ambiguous characters. It also groups codes in sets of five characters separated by dashes. Also DSA has encryption algorithm generates the license which is different every time because of a random element introduced during the process.

So the License key is produced using a 512-bit DSA key looks like on the following sample:


More information about CocoaFob can be found at GitHub page:

The library is using Nuget package for DSA encryption and decryption.

The library CocoaFob for .NET contains two classes:

  1. LicenseData class which provide License properties which is used in license generation. It an be anything: Name, Product number, email, date of expiration etc.
  2. LicenseGenerator  class which is responsible for encrypting and validating the license.

For this blog post the License data class has the flowing implementation:

public class LicenseData

protected internal string productCode;
protected internal string name;
protected internal string email;

public virtual string toLicenseStringData()
 StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
 if (productCode != null)

 //name is mandatory property
 if (name == null)
 throw new System.Exception("name cannot be null");

 if (email != null)
 return result.ToString();

As can be seen from the code snippet above the License data contains username, product key and email address. Also, only name property is mandatory, which means you can generate license key based on the user name only.

Generating the License Key

One we have License data we can process of License key generation. License is generated using DSA encryption which uses SSH private key.  You can generate public and private SSH keys  using any of the available tools, eg. OpenSSH, GitHub bash, …. More information about private and public key generation you can find at this . Once we have public and private keys we can generate license and validate it. One important thing to remember is that you have to care about your private key. It should always be secure and no one should have access to it.

The public key is used for license validation, and it is usualy packed with the application as a part of the deployment stuff. So the process of generating the license is show on the flowing code snippet:

public string makeLicense(LicenseData licenseData)
     if (!CanMakeLicenses)
       throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The LicenseGenerator cannot make licenses as it was not configured with a private key");
        var dsa = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA1withDSA");
        dsa.Init(true, privateKey);
        string stringData = licenseData.toLicenseStringData();
        byte[] licBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringData);
        dsa.BlockUpdate(licBytes, 0, licBytes.Length);
        byte[] signed = dsa.GenerateSignature();
        string license = ToLicenseKey(signed);
        return license;
    catch (Exception e)
        throw new LicenseGeneratorException(e);

First the DSA encryption is created based on the publicKey we have provided as an argument. Then licBytes is generated from the License data, and converted in to UTF8 formatted bytes. Then we have update DSA provider with licBytes. Now the DSA provider can generate signature in bytes. The signature is converted in to LicenseKey by calling ToLicenseKey method. The method is shown on the following code snippet:

private string ToLicenseKey(byte[] signature)
    /* base 32 encode the signature */
    var result = Base32.ToString(signature);

    /* replace O with 8 and I with 9 */
    result = result.Replace("O", "8").Replace("I", "9");

    /* remove padding if any. */
    result = result.Replace("=", "");

    /* chunk with dashes */
    result = split(result, 5);
    return result;

The magic happen in this method during the conversion of signature from bytes to human readable string. Conversion is done using Base32 string helper method.

Verify the License Key

The License verification process is defined in varifyLicense method. You have to provide SSH publicKey as well as

public virtual bool verifyLicense(LicenseData licenseData, string license)
	if (!CanVerifyLicenses)
		throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The LicenseGenerator cannot verify licenses as it was not configured with a public key");
        //Signature dsa = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withDSA", "SUN");
        var dsa = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA1withDSA");
        dsa.Init(false, publicKey);

        string stringData = licenseData.toLicenseStringData();
        byte[] msgBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringData);
        dsa.BlockUpdate(msgBytes, 0, msgBytes.Length);

        var dec = FromLicenseKey(license);
        var retVal = dsa.VerifySignature(dec);
        return retVal; 
    catch (Exception e)
        throw new LicenseGeneratorException(e);

As can be seen from the code above, the validation process is done by generating licenseData, converting the license Key in to signatere and the validation process return true is the license is valid, otherwize return false.

The whole project is published at git hub, an can be downloaded from


Testing the Library

The Library solution contains unit test project which you can see how to use this library in the real scenario in order to implement licensing in .NET app.

Happy programming!