Monthly Archives: May 2015

Could not connect to in Visual Studio 2015

In Visual Studio 2015 when you try to connect to GitHub you may get the message “Could not connect to”. The problem for this could be that you didn’t include GitHub extenstion feature during installation of the Visual Studio.

1. During installation of Visual Studio 2015 GitHub Extensions must be checked. (See following picture).

2. Even if you have included this feature in to the installation, you may still get the error. Actually, for some reason you cannot log in to the GitHub. In that case go to  and download the installer and reinstall the extension. That was worked in my case.

For instruction of how to install extension you can find on the web page.

Now you can open Connection from Team Explorer and choose GitHUb Extension.

The Login page for GitHub appears. Log in to the GitHub and start using GitHub.





XAML Peak new feature in Visual Studio 2015

The latest version of the Visual Studio 2015 is bringing a lot of new features for WPF and XAML programming language. For this blog post I would like to share the XAML Peak Definition. Peak Definition is not new, the current version of Visual Studio 2013 supports peak definition only for C# and VB. Now we have the same functionality within XAML. Event more, in the Visual Studio 2015 peak definition is working in mixed mode, so you can reach any definition regladless of the programming languges (C#, VB or XAML).

XAML peak allows you to get definition or content of any name defined in the XAML code. For example lets see the following XAML code. Right click on the MainWindow class and choose “Peak Definition”:

After the command is selected, the new inline window appears within xaml, and the user can easily see or change the code behind selected definition. Peak Definition works for any proper name in the XAML.

Lets see more interesting thing. Peak Definition is very handy when you want to see or modify the defined style or control template. For Example if we right click on the Style defined resource and choose Peak Definition like the following picture:

Inline window will appears and show the style implementation of the selected xaml element. This is very useful and long waited option of XAML editor:


Inline windows are edited windows so you can edit or add new code without leaving xaml editor.

This is one of the plenty of the new features coming with the latest version of the Visual Studio 2015. More features in the coming post.




Weblica 2015 – konferencija o web tehnologijama

9. maja ove godine u medjimurskom gradu Čakovcu održat će se – konferenicja o web tehnoligijama. Konferenciju organizira tehnološko-inovacijski centar Međimurje te nekoliko softverskih kompanija iz Čakovca i okoline. Konferencija pod motom “prva prava tehnološka konferencija između Mure i Drave” želi okupiti sve poznate stručnjake iz regije na jedno mjesto te punuditi konferencija sa kvalitetnim sadržajima koje će prezentirati poznati predavači iz Hrvatske i regiona.

Ove godine pripala mi ječast da bude jedan od predavača na konferenciji te da pričam o Microsoft Azure Web Sites i integraciji sa nekoliko cloud baziranih servisa sa posebnim akcentom na Visual Studio online. Na predavanju će se moći čiti o zadnjim novostima na Azure Web Sites, kao i integraciji GitHub i Visual Studio Online servisa u implementaciji tzv. kontinualnog deploymenta (Continuous Deployment ) odnosno ispruke (Continuous Delivery).

Vidimo se na Weblici


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